Conférence de Jocelyn Maclure
Dans le cadre d’un atelier sur la thématique « Religion, Hate and Offence in a Changing World »
Organisée par Cardiff University, School of Law and Politics
Date et lieu
Du mercredi 14 décembre 2016, 9h au jeudi 15 décembre 2016TBC, Law Building, Cardiff Law School, Wales (UK)

Jocelyn Maclure présentera une conférence dans le cadre de cet atelier visant à discuter du lien complexe entre la religion et la liberté d’expression.
Présentation de la thématique de l’atelier:
« This workshop aims to bring together scholars working on the relationship between religion and free speech. This relationship is complex. On the one hand, it has been central to recent discussions of hate speech and offensive speech targeting religious believers, and especially members of religious minorities. For example, the current wave of Islamophobia across Europe, prompted by migratory pressure, an unstable Middle East, and the backlash from the recent terrorist attacks in France and Belgium, has brought the issue of hate speech directed at religious minorities back to the forefront of public debate in western liberal democracies. Furthermore, the tension between freedom of speech and blasphemy continues to elicit public and academic debate, as shown by the 2006 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy and, more recently, by the Charlie Hebdo controversies and attack. On the other hand, religious believers sometimes defend their use of derogatory and extreme speech against members of other religious faiths, or people with a certain sexual orientation, as part of their religious freedom. Recent examples include Swedish Pastor Ake Green’s likening of homosexuals with ‘cancer’; Tunisian preacher Muhammad Hammami’s anti-semitic remarks; Belfast Pastor James McConnell’s description of Islam as ‘heathen’ and ‘satanic’; and American conservative Evangelical Christian TV evangelist Andrew Wommack’s claim that gay people are ‘not normal’. Religious believers, therefore, can be both victims and instigators of hate speech and offensive speech, and this renders an examination of the relationship between these kinds of speech and religion especially important. »
Source: Cardiff Law School
Informations supplémentaires
Le coût d’inscription pour participer à l’atelier est de 50 £. Ce coût inclut l’inscription, les pauses-collations et les dîners pour les deux jours.
Contact: Matteo Bonotti (
Appel à contribution:
« Contributions addressing the following questions are particularly welcome:
- Should hate speech and/or offensive speech be regulated and, if so, why?
- Is there a clear distinction between hate speech and offensive speech?
- What is the relationship between freedom of religion and freedom of speech?
- Is religion unique in often being both the target and the source of hate speech and offensive speech?
- Should hate speech and offensive speech be legally regulated, or should speakers only have a moral duty to refrain from using them? »
Source: Cardiff Law School
Les personnes intéressées à présenter un article doivent envoyer un résumé de 300 à 400 mots à M. Matteo Bonotti ( avant le 15 septembre 2016. Les articles retenus seront présentés lors d’une plénière de 60 minutes consistant en un exposé de 30 minutes suivi d’une période de discussion.
Pour en savoir plus
Visitez le site de la Cardiff Law School.